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Membership of The Institute of Rail Welding

IoRW is a corporate membership organisation for companies with an interest in the rail industry. Member companies and nominated staff will have access to the following benefits:

  • Members receive Welding Lines , the newsletter of the IoRW, up to four times a year, and up-to-the-minute news and technical information through the website and online services
  • Technical Seminars covering a range of specialist topics delivered by industry professionals
  • Technical enquiry service through a network of experts
  • Independent into the development of rail welding training and competencies
  • Automatic access to the benefits of Associate Membership of The Welding Institute, and to TWI   
  • Participation in The Welding Institute local Branch activities across the UK and Technical Group activities
  • Members receive a certificate of membership, renewed annually on payment of the subscription

IoRW is open to corporate membership on a world-wide basis.
